Monday, October 24, 2011

the deplorable state of cops in AP (in particular Hyd)

here, I reprint a letter written to many moons ago.
There was no response; on the other hand, cops camp in Raj Garden (read story below) and put me under 'observation'. Ho hum.

All the while I thought big brother is not bothered to watch (over) me. Glad He does!

Right honourable CMAP Shri NKK Reddy garu]

It is with great regret that I report an incident that happened an hour ago.

The youngsters, and a lot of oldsters, were out on the streets celebrating India's cricket victory. I was out there too. I was cheering the guys, at the same time - making sure that the traffic was not disrupted. I was telling the guys to let the vehicles go on, after a brief stop - say cheers and all that.

The kids were taking up half the road, so I was indicating incoming traffic to move to the middle or even right, so they could pass along.

This is Vidyanagar, at 11.30 PM. My name is Sankara Sastry Rajanala. My (rented) house is opposite Raj Gardens function palace in the lane opposite AMS hospital; you can tell your cops to find me - that should not be difficult.

You can also tell your top cops to find out who was on duty at that hour (about 11.30 pm after India won the world cup).

All I did was to indicate to them - they were on bikes - to stay clear of the left side and go in the middle or to the right. They were very impolite, "abe, ja yahan se'

I was doing my part as a responsible citizen, keeping peace and quiet and order, in the midst of this crazed youth.

and I get this rudeness in response to this.

You cannot run a state of 8 crores with less than one lakh cops: you need decent citizens like me to keep things in order, at least until the cops arrive. And when they arrive, they give me abusese?

This is not fair.

The police department cannot do anything about the anti-social elements of the state, and they target innocent, well-meaning citizens like me.

And that leads, and adds, to the conflict between decent citizens and the law-and-order folks.

I hope you can do something about that.

The least I expect is an apology from those two boys (the cops) who said nasty things to me.
Else, you are adding to the disgruntled intellectual property of your state.

God bless you and your government. God save it from bad cops.

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