Friday, October 26, 2012

the aliens are grounded

The aliens space station project is grounded. We don't see their ads in the papers any more. Is it that they have sold all the flats? I doubt it. I said earlier that the towers will be blasted. I meant, the frustration levels in this country are so high that the aliens will become a target for miscreants.

Last year, around this time, they proudly announced the handing over of keys to the first buyer. Have there been many more? I doubt it.

Often, I write without checking facts first. But this time, I checked: what was earlier planned as a 35-storey structures in now down to 15-storeys. Hmm, the story changed considerably.

15 is reasonable, I think. In singapore, the government goes up to 25-floor buildings in their HDB apartment blocks. Fair enough. We can have 15 floors. The trouble, as the levels go higher, is water. They will be draining all the water from the table, and cause scarcity for people around the ugly space station.

These enclaves (literal meaning: territory within enemy country) of prosperity among a see of poverty are an eye-sore. I live in a modest enclave myself. Forever there are guys cleaning the cars, there is a guard, there are many workers who just look at all the wealth and wonder where it is coming from. Given their limited knowledge of financial markets and speculative philosophy, they conclude that all this is looted mal.

Guys working in big malls see folks buying products they have not imagined before - tiny cricket bats for instance (I have seen one for the first time) and wonder how come some children get the best of breed toys and their own children are malknourished.

There is no one to convince them that it is their karma.

Therefore I predicted that aliens will be cut to size. Which is what happened, with aliens space station.

Do I need to say more?

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