Saturday, July 27, 2013

Peter Drucker on Science and Technology

Once upon a time, people used to seek Truth. Let us call that science. In the process, interesting facts come out, and some of those facts had practical use and thence came about applied sciece. Somewhere along the way, applied science became technology. Thus far, it was alright. But now (I think Drucker wrote this in the 50's) that technology started driving science. The following is my contention. You can stop reading now if you are a technophile. Let us say Steve Jobs wanted to make a phone that can be worn as an ear top by girls. He would hire Johns Hopkins university to find the best element that would fit the his technological matrix. Funds are not an issue. This is like putting the cart before the horse. A lot of research today is therefore trivial. When I was at a telecom company in Finland, they created a prototype (it never hit the market) a foldable type like a communicator, with a mirror on one side. Some science would have been commissioned for it? Mark my words, we are going to see ear-top phone, with a gold-tooth speaking device accompanying it. If only Steve jobs was around, this would happen sooner. Let us not talk about scientific findings of science that lead to nuclear power, enough to decimate cities, whether wantonly or accidentally.

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