Look at the account sheets of any pharma company. A large sum goes into marketing. That includes buying gifts for doctors. And inventing problems and formulating solutions for it is described in Listerine and the invention of bad breath.
Some Pharma company had this brilliant idea that they can make people buy a mouth wash, if they scared them into thinking that they might have bad breath. "Will he marry me if I have bad breath?" worries a young (beautiful) woman in one of their ads. And so half of America now uses some mouth wash or the other. My teeth are all yellow because of smoking, I once went to a dentist and had them scraped. But the yellow hue returned in no time, and I left it alone.
A few years ago, hair fall was not a problem at all. Now if you turn on the TV, every other ad is about some shampoo or the other which arrests hairfall. Hair fall is a natual thing. As we grow old, the hair becomes thinner. Many men and some women even go bald. Is a two-bit shampoo going to alter the genetic structure? Or the creator's scheme of things. I am a miscreationist but I don't fault him/her for hairfall. So be it.
Did any pharma company spend a penny on a pill that reduces hunger. A nourishing and satiating formulation.
A few years ago, there was a lot of noise about HIV/AIDs. Even now there are, but not such a lot of drama. Interestingly, there used to be many sex clinics for other problems than AIDS; they seem to have vanished.
A majority of the doctors are hand in glove with the drug mafia, I mean, pharma industry. Others are just plain ignorant and greedy. They nod in amazement at how wonderfully hasbeerin works, and tell their victims to 'take 2'.
The booze guys are not far behind: they say that two drinks per day is good for the heart. I don't know about that but it is good for bowel movements. And who is gonna bother about the booze company ads about moderate drinking after two drinks.
Bernard Shaw once threw a bunch of drugs into the bin. "Why the hell did you see the doctor and buy those medicines?"
Shaw replied: The poor doctor has to make a living so I paid a visit. The druggist has to run his business so felt I must support his livelihood. "And you threw them out the window? Why" 'I want to live too' said shaw sardonically.
And let us not talk about side effects here. An across-the-counter cold medicine can give you a heart attack, according to the brochure given to doctors. That is possibly to cover their backsides. (like in the urban legend, some coffee cups carrying a warning that the coffee is hot and might scald your mouth).
There are some people who willingly go through pharma trials for money. As I said, India has enough lab rats.
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